Friday, February 17, 2006

The Boogie Man

No... nope... not even close. This thread is not about childhood fears. This one is about Reid's first cold. Gross huh? Yes it is. I went into his room to get him up this morning and I could hear his little stuffy nose while he was breathing. Tugs at the ole heartstrings to hear your little one laboring to get air through those little nostrils.

So, I got him up and set him on the changing table. I looked away for one second and heard him sneeze. I won't even tell you what happened next, but it did require 3 wipes to get it all.

As a parent you're torn... torn between throwing up yourself and helping your little guy out. Obviously, you opt to help them... you push past the pain... the reflex... and you help them out.

I have a cold myself... It's a Big Boy cold tho. Have a good weekend.

Reid in his chair... sans boogies.

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