Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Winning Formula

I never would have thought that Fats, Sugars, Vitamins and some thing called DHA and some other acronym could cause such a bellyache in a baby. We got the bright idea to save money by buying the Costco brand of baby formula. I mean it says right on the package that you should compare it to Similac Advanced and some other brand... I guess "comparing" means "wait until your baby spews his dinner on your black sweater"

Anyway, we are back to the 73-cents-an-ounce (and that's a dry ounce) Similac brand formula. Reid likes it, so that's what is important... and not as many little white stains on my black sweaters.

Lesson learned... don't go cheap on the food you put in your body... and more importantly... "Compare" means "It ain't the same". Lastly, I'll leave you with a picture that my cycling buddy took of his boy discovering cycling for the first time... precious

Dr. Fill (Rob)

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