Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Learning New Things

I bet you can't remember the first time you ever laughed. Reid won't remember either, so I'm writing about it here so we have record of it. He's been doing alot of "firsts" this last week. He got his first tooth on Saturday, he's out of his old car seat and into his first "Big Boy" carseat.

So, last night we're picking him up from Jen's parents' house and while we're there, I started to play the pretend to punch Daddy game. You know the one. I'm pretty good at it too. If Reid had any sort of concern about hurting people, he'd really think he clobbered me. So, I start playing this game with him and he starts laughing, giggling... whatever you want to call it... at giving me a beatin'. So darned cute. It brings a tear to your eye don't it?

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