Monday, May 29, 2006


ok... so this is harder to keep current than I first thought. Reid is 6 months old now and sitting up, talking and eating mushy foods from a spoon. This past weekend I realized that parents have a duty to teach their kids some basic courtesies in life. This came to me when I was in a really pissy mood on Saturday and had to go to Costco, Albertson's and Trader Joe's. So here is my list of essential items to teach your kids:
  • Respect your elders... even though they drive slow enough for you to watch grass grow
  • Be a courteous driver... let people in once and a while... you'll feel good.
  • Clean up after your dog... this is in reference to the jerkoff I saw leave his dog poo on the traffic berm at Albertson's... just clean it up
  • Don't let your your dog bark all day long... damn neighbors
  • Wait your turn... I realized how importatnt this is when the portly gentleman behind me in line at Coscto flat-tired me with his cart.
  • Stay to the right... driving, walking, whatever... get out of the way of people who are sure of where they are going. *
  • See the world... Don't be an Ugly American who only sees things from a single point of view

*Unless you're in England or Australia... then stay to the left



Anonymous said...

thanks for your comment. very helpful.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment on my comment... that made today's show funnier.