Saturday, July 29, 2006

Back on track

Whew! So I finished up alot of work and personal projects in July... the biggest one being the bike race in Des Moines. 175 riders... definitely need to grow that next year. Probably the most stressful time was the set up and afternoon transitions. I had alot of volunteer help from the Wines of Washington cycling team and from Jill @ the Starbucks Doubleshot Light team. Huge thanks to them.

Since this is Reid's blog I s'pose I should mention that we took him camping the weekend after the 4th of July... he did great... the rest of us however didn't get much sleep. It will get better. Let's see... he'll be going to the Starbucks Summer picnic today. That should be fun.

Things he is doing: Eating lots of fruits and veggies that Jen makes for him, eating crackers with us at dinnertime, sitting up to play for long periods of time, crawling backwards and assisted standing. He also asks for things using his grunts and squeals... actually kind of nice to know what he wants for a change.

I've updated AndersonCentral with a new layout and new photo album feature. It should make it much easier for me to update the photos. I've put some new things on there as well... like the movies and some of the family artwork.

ok... time to go... see you next time.

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