Monday, July 31, 2006

Big Weekend

Huge weekend this past weekend. We started out Saturday morning by helping our daycare put in a new lawn for the kids. Lots of dirt and sod hauling but we managed to connect with the other parents as well. We then headed off to the first ever Starbucks company picnic that I've ever attended. It was an exhausting day walking Reid around the park... he ended up falling asleep... as did I ... after lunch.
Sunday we cleaned up around the house, scrubbed the deck, mowed lawns and scrubbed kitchens because our neighbors (who incidentally take their son Jonah to the same daycare) came over for dinner. Ribs, salad and bread were on the menu. It was fun to hang out and relax finally. Oh yeah, that's what weekends are supposed to be for.
I'm taking a vacation to re-do the last remaining unfinished space in our basement. Need to make room in advance in case we need an extra kids room for some reason.

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